After representing the RSEQ with a fifth place finish at last year’s CIS Championship, the McGill Redmen established themselves as favourites to return to...
Welcome to The CBG Bunch, a specialized column dedicated to the CIS season. Every week, Charles Blouin-Gascon parses through the CIS box scores over...
Welcome to The CBG Bunch, a specialized column dedicated to the CIS season. Every week, Charles Blouin-Gascon parses through the CIS box scores over...
Welcome to The CBG Bunch, a specialized column dedicated to the CIS season. Every week, Charles Blouin-Gascon parses through the CIS box scores over...
Welcome to #TheCBGBunch, a specialized column dedicated to the CIS season. Every week, Charles Blouin-Gascon parses through the CIS box scores over Sunday brunch...
Welcome to the CBG Bunch, a specialized column dedicated to the CIS season. Every week, Charles Blouin-Gascon parses through the league’s box scores over...