The 2015-16 Women’s NC-Double-Eh List is here
The countdown for the NCAA season has already started and since we have posted the most concise and detailed NC-Double-Eh men’s player list a couple of days ago it is only fitting that we give you a list of the ladies. This year we have a total of 91 Canadian ladies at the D1 level and it breaks down like this: 12 seniors, 21 juniors, 25 sophomores and a whooping 31 freshmen. This is the largest incoming first year class in a very long time, if not ever. The best part about all these ladies is that there are legitimate conference player of the year candidates and potential All Americans among them. Check out names, commit them to memory and strap in for what could be a very historic season for our Canadian lady ballers …

Name Ht Pos Class Hometown School
Cassandra Edwards 5 – 11 G JR (Brampton, ON) Albany
Jessica Fequiere 5 – 10 G JR (Montreal) Albany
Khara Keane 5 – 7 G FR (Toronto) Albany
Veronika Lavergne 6 – 4 F FR (Ottawa) Albany
Quinn Dornstauder 6 – 3 C JR (Regina) Arizona St
Jordan Tully 6 – 2 F FR (Winnipeg) Boise St
Lexie Der 6 – 1 F SR-RS (Burnaby, BC) Boise St
Sophie Beaudry 6 – 4 F/C JR-TR (Chambly, PQ) Boston U
Erika Steeves 6 – 1 F FR (Montreal) Brown
Alex Klein 6 – 1 F JR (Waterloo, ON) Bryant
Chanel Ramcharran 5 – 3 G JR (Pickering, ON) Bryant
Naomi Ashley 5 – 8 G SO (Hamilton) Bryant
Ayoleka Sodade 5 – 9 G FR (Windsor, ON) Buffalo
Ashley Polacek 5 – 5 G FR (Ottawa) Central Florida
Sirah Diarra 6 – 2 F FR (Montreal) Clemson
Kia Nurse 6 – 0 G SO (Hamilton,ON) Connecticut
Saicha Grant-Allen 6 – 5 F JR (Hamilton, ON) Dayton
Hannah Jardine 6 – 1 G JR (Mount Pearl, NB) Delaware
Brianne Cohen 6 – 0 F SO (Toronto) Detroit
Brianna Thomas 5 – 11 G JR (Toronto) Duquesne
Sammantha Cooper 6 – 2 G SO-RS (Sudbury, ON) Fairfield
April Coyne 6 – 0 F SR (Dundas) Fairleigh Dickinson
Peniella M’Bikata 5 – 10 G FR Abbotsford, BC) Fairleigh Dickinson

Adut Bulgak 6 – 4 C SR-TR (Edmonton) Florida St
Aurelie LeBlanc-Florent 5 – 6 G SO (Montreal) Furman
Emma Wolfram 6 – 5 F SO-RS (Kamloops, BC) Gonzaga
Kacie Bosch 5 – 9 G SO (Lethbridge, AB) Gonzaga
Kayla Minot 6 – 3 F FR Ottawa) Hofstra
Anna Marie Policicchio 6 -2 F SR (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) Idaho State
Jaelyne Kirkpatrick 5 – 7 G FR (Oakville, ON) Illinois
Christina Buttenham 6 – 0 F SO (Hamilton, ON) Iowa
Bridget Carleton 6 – 1 G FR (Chatham, ON) Iowa St
Iziegbe (Lorraine) Enabulele 6 – 1 F SO (Ajax, ON) Kansas
Angela Ribarich 6 – 5 C FR (Toronto) Lafayette
Teleshia Riley 5 – 10 G JR-TR (Brampton, ON) Lamar
Chloe Hall 6 – 0 G SO (Toronto) Loyola Marymount
Shantelle Valentine 6 – 3 F SO (Brampton, ON) Marquette
Rashida Timbilla 6 – 1 F SR (Nepean, ON) Massachusets
Cheyenne Creighton 6 – 1 F SO (Pickering, ON) Memphis
Loysha Morris 5 – 9 G FR (Toronto) Memphis
Danielle Graven 5 – 11 G FR (Toronto) Minnesota
Michelle Hudyn 6 – 2 F SR (Kitchener, ON) Missouri
Georgia Campbell 6 – 2 F FR (Brampton, ON) Morehead St
Kathleen Belanger-Finn 5 – 7 G JR (Montreal) Mount St. Mary’s
Caroline Hummel 6 – 1 F/C SO (Sarnia, ON) Mount St. Mary’s
Jennifer Mathurin 6 – 1 F JR (Montreal) NC State
Oceana Hamilton 6 – 4 F/C JR (Brampton, ON) Northwestern
Esther Ramacieri 5 – 7 G JR (Repentigny, PQ) Nebraska
Victoria Rampado 6 – 2 F JR (Niagara Falls, ON) Niagara
Nada Radonjic 6 – 1 F FR (Toronto) Niagara
Brittany Wiebe 5 – 9 G JR-RS (Brandon, MN) North Dakota St
Sade Iriah 6 – 0 F SR (Brampton, ON) Northeastern
Nikita Telesford 6 – 1 F FR (Ajax, ON) Oakland
Lauren Yearwood 6 – 4 F FR (Victoria) Oregon
Kolbie Orum 6 – 3 F JR (Maple Ridge, BC) Oregon St
Jamie Wiesner 5 – 10 G SR (Clarkston, WA) Oregon St

Ruth Hamblin 6 – 6 C SR (Houston, BC) Oregon State
Frederique Potvin 5 – 11 G JR (Montreal) Pittsburgh
Yasmine Bidikuindila 6 – 6 C SO (Montreal) Providence
Sarah Shewan 6 – 2 F SO (Russell, ON) Quinnipiac
Megan Smith 6 – 1 F SO (Barrie, ON) Robert Morris
Mikalah Mulrain 6 – 3 C SO (Barrie, ON) Robert Morris
Yasmyne Salhia-Bernales 5 – 8 G FR (Toronto) Robert Morris
Zayn Dornstauder 6 – 4 C FR (Regina) San Francisco
Cierra Roufosse 6 – 3 F FR (Abbotsford, BC) San Francisco
Alicia Roufosse 6 – 3 F FR (Abbotsford, BC) San Francisco
Nicole Vander Helm FR (Surrey, BC) Santa Clara
Shay Colley 5 – 11 G FR (Brampton, ON) South Carolina
Abigail Fogg 6 – 4 F JR-TR (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) South Dakota
Rochelle Reece 5 – 9 G SO (Ajax, ON) St. Francis (PA)
Julia Chandler 6 – 2 FR (Toronto) Syracuse
Khaleann Caron-Goudreau 6 – 1 F SO-TR (Gatineau, PQ) Texas
Nancy Kessler 6 – 3 F/C SO (St. Catherines, ON) Toledo
Sarah St-Fort 5 – 10 G/F FR (Montreal) Toledo
Caylah Cruickshank 5 – 9 G SO (Montreal) Tulane
Dani Nafekh 5 – 11 G/F SO (Oakvile, ON) UC-Davis

Nirra Fields 5 – 9 G SR (Lachine, PQ) UCLA
Paige Crozon 6 – 1 G JR-RS (Humboldt, Sask) Utah
Emily Potter 6 – 5 F SO-RS (Winnipeg) Utah
Daneesha Provo 5 – 11 F SO-TR (Dartmouth) Utah
Candice Wright 6 – 3 F FR (Waterloo, ON) Vermont
Courtney Wright 6 – 0 G/F FR (Waterloo, ON) Vermont
Lauren Handy 6 – 2 F FR (Sarnia, ON) Vermont
Hayley Robertson 5 – 7 FR (Toronto) Vermont
Sami Hill 5 – 10 G JR (Toronto) Virginia Tech
Taijah Campbell 6 – 3 F SR (Ajax, ON) Virginia Tech
Jeanne Gaumont 6 – 0 G/F SO (Montreal) William & Mary
Kaili Lukan 5 – 10 G SR (Barrie, ON) Wisc-Green Bay
Dakota Whyte 5 – 8 G SR (Ajax, ON) Wisconsin
Sarah Traynor 5 – 4 G JR (Oakville, ON) Wofford
Kayla Davis 5 – 8 G JR (Brampton, ON) Xavier
Tayla Jackson 6 – 3 G FR (Surrey, BC) UC-Irvine