NPH League Rules

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NPH Showcase League Rules - Download Rule Book Here


NPH is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable basketball experience for all participants, including players, coaches, parents, and spectators. To achieve this goal, the league has established a set of rules, regulations, and a code of conduct that all participants are expected to follow.

The rules and regulations outline the eligibility requirements for players, the format of games, and the equipment that must be used.

The Code of Conduct sets expectations for player, coach, and spectator conduct during league games and events.

It is important for all participants to familiarize themselves with the Rules, Regulations, and Code of Conduct outlined in this document, and to follow them at all times. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the NPH Eco-system.

By following the rules, regulations, and code of conduct, participants can help to ensure that the NPH League remains a positive and memorable experience for all involved.

All prep divisions are governed under full FIBA rules. All grade 7-12 (NPH Showcase Leagues) are governed under FIBA modified rules. NPH has added and modified certain rules to meet the needs of the players, facility, and tournament. This document will outline these modifications. If in the event a rule is not listed in this document, it is assumed that the rule will follow FIBA guidelines.


Each player or parent (for players under age 18) MUST sign the player waiver & media release before they are permitted to play any game. It is the coach’s responsibility to have players sign either using the Smartwaiver link or a paper copy provided on-site. Signed paper waivers must be returned or player waiver confirmation emails must be shown on device to the table before the start of the game.

The player’s legal name must be used on the player waiver and it must be indicated if it is different from what appears on the roster by putting the player’s preferred name in brackets. [i.e. Christopher (CJ) Smith]


In all prep divisions, North Pole Hoops game will be refereed by three officials each assigned by NPH Head of Referees. Throughout and after the tournament, feedback may be provided to our Head of Referees by emailing



Players are eligible to play in North Pole Hoops hosted games ONLY if they have signed the NPH player waiver. A team may call up a player within their program only with younger players. Older players are not eligible to play on younger teams. A player may play for more than one team ONLY if the teams are in different divisions. New players may NOT be added to the roster if they have not been registered since the beginning of the tournament. Choosing to play an unregistered player will result in an instant disqualification from the event.

  • U13 - Grade 7 (2012)
  • Late Birthday 2011 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)
  • U14 - Grade 8 (2011)
  • Late Birthday 2010 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)
  • U15 - Grade 9 (2010)
  • Late Birthday 2009 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)
  • U16 - Grade 10 (2009)
  • Late Birthday 2008 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)
  • U17 - Grade 11 (2008)
  • Late Birthday 2007 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)
  • U19+ - Grade 12 (2007/06)
  • Late Birthday 2005 from Sept 1 to Dec 31 accepted (Only 3 max allowed)

  1. REGULATION TIME (NPA/WNPA/D1-Academy/D1-Scholastic)

Every game will run four 10-minute quarters with stop-time, and a 3-minute half time period in between. Time will stop in the last 2 mins of each game on every made basket.


Every game will run two 16 minute halves with stop-time, and a 3-minute half time period in between. Time will stop in the last 2 mins of each game on every made basket.


In the event both teams have scored the same number of points at the end of the fourth quarter, the game will run one 4-minute overtime period with the first 3-minute runtime, and the remaining 1-minute stop time. The overtime period will begin in the direction of the possession arrow. In the event both teams have scored the same number of points at the end of the overtime period, the double-overtime period will start with a jump ball at center court and the first score wins.


A 24 second shot clock will be implemented in Grade 9,10,11 and 12+ division only. The shot clock will reset to 14 seconds after an offensive rebound. Remaining shot clock rules will follow FIBA guidelines.


Once the referee hands the in-bounder the basketball, the player has five seconds to throw the ball into play. Failure to inbound the ball within five seconds will result in a turnover.

Once inbounded, the team must advance the ball across half court in 8 seconds. Failure to cross half court within 8 seconds will result in a turnover.


The game will run stop-time the entire regular period, regardless of point differential.

  1. FOULS

Each team is allowed 5 team fouls before the opposing team enters the bonus, resulting in foul shots. The 5th team foul will result in the opposing team entering a single bonus (1 guaranteed foul shot +1 foul shot upon a first made foul shot). The 7th team foul will result in the opposing team entering a double bonus (2 guaranteed foul shots). Team fouls are reset to zero at the end of each quarter for NPA/WNPA/D1-Academy/D1-Scholastic, or at the 8- minute mark of the half for D1-JR/CNIT/SHOWCASE)without stoppage.

5 personal fouls will result in a player being fouled out for the remainder of the game. Personal fouls are never reset to zero.


During a game, each team receives:

  • Two 60-second timeouts in the first half.
  • Three 60-second timeouts in the second half.
  • One 60-second timeout per overtime period.

Any unused timeouts do not carry over into overtime periods.


A game must only start if 5 players from each team are present on the floor and fully and appropriately dressed at the start of regulation. A 10-minute grace period from the scheduled start of the game will be granted for a late team. After the 10-minute grace period has expired, an NPH league management shall decide if a forfeit is to be called. If a game is forfeited, the score shall be recorded as 1-0-0 and the opposing team will be awarded the win as well as a point differential of +-20


Event standings will be based on WINS and LOSES. In the event of equal records see Section 11 (TIE BREAKERS)



The tie-breaker format for playoff standings will be as follows:

  1. If the two tying teams faced each other in season, the team who took the win in that game would win the tiebreaker.
  2. If the two tying teams did not face each other in season, the team with the highest average point differential in the tournament would win the tiebreaker. Point differentials cap at +/- 25 pts for each game.
  3. The team with the highest total points scored in the tournament would win the tiebreaker.

The tie-breaker format for playoff standings will be as follows:

  1. If the two tying teams faced each other in season, the team who took the win in that game would win the tiebreaker.
  2. If the two tying teams did not face each other in season, the team with the highest average point differential in the tournament would win the tiebreaker. There will be NO cap on the point differential.
  3. The team with the highest total points scored in the tournament would win the tiebreaker.

Any player who receives five fouls, two unsportsmanlike fouls or two flagrant fouls within a game will be ejected from the remainder of the game.

After their first ejection in an event, any player who receives five fouls, two unsportsmanlike fouls or two flagrant fouls within another game in the event will be:

  1. Ejected from the remainder of the game AND
  2. Will be disciplined with at least a one game suspension.


North Pole Hoops has a zero tolerance policy for fighting, in any game (before, during or after). Any player attempting to fight, strike or hit another player, parent, coach, referee, NPH staff or another person before, during or after an NPH game will be immediately expelled from the rest of the event. ANY player who comes OFF the bench and onto the court during a fight will be disciplined with AT LEAST a one game suspension.

For every ejection, the NPH site manager will report a breakdown of events to NPH leadership who will then make a decision on suspensions or expulsions, if there are any to be issued. Final disciplinary actions, in conjunction with rules listed above, is up to the discretion of North Pole Hoops.



➤ A.1. Player Requirements

  1. To be eligible for playoffs, players must have participated in a minimum of 50% of their team’s regular scheduled league games. In a 12-game season, that would mean a player would need to participate in at least 6 games in order to be eligible for the playoffs. Failure to comply will result in an automatic forfeit in any and all games that ineligible players have been played, even retroactively.

➤ A.2. Roster Approval and Disputes

  1. At the end of the season, North Pole Hoops will provide a roster of eligible players for the playoffs.
  2. Any disputes regarding player eligibility must be reported to at least 2 weeks prior to the team’s first playoff game.

➤ A.3. Player Absences and Injuries

  1. If an injured player is projected as eligible to play in the playoffs, the coach must notify the league and submit a written dispute to at least 2 weeks prior to the team’s first playoff game.
  1. Note: This section outlines the eligibility requirements for players in the NPH League and the process for roster approval and disputes. NPH reserves the right to make final decisions on player eligibility.

➤ B.1. Player Roster

Each team must have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 players on their roster (minimum 5 active players to start the game). Any roster changes must be made at least 72 hours prior to the team's next game by emailing These changes must be reflected in Exposure Events (EE) and/or InGame and Swish Apps by NBN23.

Note: This section outlines the minimum and maximum number of players required for a team in the NPH League and the process for making roster changes. NPH reserves the right to approve or reject roster changes and to make final decisions on team composition.

➤ B.2. Player Transfer

Process: Player transfer between two teams in the NPH Ecosystem must be approved by the head coaches of both teams to ensure the maintenance of integrity and transparency by all programs. The coaches must send a written consent of the player team transfer to notifying NPH of the change at least 2 weeks prior to the team's next game. Any team found playing a player whose transfer was not authorized, will automatically forfeit the game.

Limitations: Each player is allowed to transfer once during the season, from one team in the league to another team in the league. The player must meet the 1/2 games requirement for playoff eligibility with their new team.

➤ B.3. Anti-Poaching Policy

Engaging with players from other teams in order to try and convince them to join your team in season is strictly prohibited. As mentioned above, any potential team switching throughout the season must include the player's current coach and new coach approval.

Breach of this poaching rule may result in disqualification from the league. Let's all work together to create a fair and respectful environment for all players in the league.

➤ B.4. Team Personnel

Each team can have up to 5 staff personnel per team. Examples: 1 Head Coach, 0-2 Assistant Coaches, 1 Team Manager and 1 Owner. The full names and contact information of each has to be provided as part of the team roster spreadsheet in Exposure Events. NPH must be notified of any team personnel changes at least 2 weeks prior to the team’s next game at


➤ C.1. Uniforms and Shoes

Uniforms: Each team must have team jerseys at the start of the season. Teams must wear jerseys that correspond to their affiliated club and each player must consistently wear their own unique jersey number from game to game.

  1. Jersey Numbers: If a player's number has changed or if a player has a different number on their home and away jerseys, it is the coach's responsibility to report the changes to the scorekeeper before the start of the game. No tape allowed
  1. Qualified Jerseys: Players are not permitted to write or tape numbers onto t-shirts or jerseys. Players with duplicate numbers will not be permitted to play, and any player not wearing a qualified jersey will not be permitted to participate.

Home and Away Jersey/Uniform: All Teams are required to have two sets of jersey colours One being their home jersey (White in colour) the other being Away jersey (Non-White in colour.)

Shoes: Each player must wear appropriate basketball shoes during games. Shoes with cleats or spikes are not allowed.

Note: This section outlines the requirements for uniforms and shoes in the NPH League. The league reserves the right to approve or reject uniforms and shoes, and to enforce penalties as necessary. Consistent and unique jersey numbers are important for accurate stat keeping, player eligibility, and player exposure.

➤ D.2. Ball Size and Type

Ball Size and Type: The NPH League will use a standard size 7 (29.5") basketball for all games. The ball must be of a high-quality, indoor-regulation type.

➤ D.3. Safety Equipment

Safety Equipment: Players are highly encouraged to wear appropriate safety equipment during games, including mouthguards and protective eyewear (if necessary).

Mouthguards: Mouthguards are optional and if worn, must be properly fitted and securely in place during games.

Protective Eyewear: Protective eyewear is mandatory for players who require it due to a medical condition or previous injury.

Responsibility: Teams are responsible for ensuring that their players are wearing the proper safety equipment during games.

Note: This section outlines the requirements for safety equipment in the NPH League. The league reserves the right to approve or reject safety equipment, and to enforce penalties as necessary. Teams are responsible for ensuring that their players are wearing the proper safety equipment during games. The use of mouthguards and protective eyewear helps to prevent injuries and protect the health and safety of all participants.



➤ A.1. Sportsmanship

The NPH League emphasizes good sportsmanship as an essential aspect of the game. Players are expected to demonstrate respect for their opponents, officials, and the game of basketball at all times. Unsportsmanlike behaviour, including taunting, trash talking, and aggressive play, will not be tolerated.

➤ A.2. Respect for Teammates, Opponents, and Officials

Players are expected to demonstrate respect for their teammates, opponents, and officials at all times. This includes avoiding derogatory comments, physical violence, or any other behaviour that could be considered harmful or disrespectful. Players are also expected to follow the decisions and instructions of the officials and to show good sportsmanship, even in the face of adversity.

Note: The NPH League reserves the right to enforce penalties, including suspension or expulsion, for disrespectful behaviour. The emphasis on respect helps to create a positive and safe environment for all participants.

➤ A.3. Use of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

The use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is strictly prohibited during games and practices. Players who are found to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco will not be permitted to participate and may face disciplinary action.


➤ B.1. Overview

As a coach in the NPH League, your conduct sets an example for your players and can have a significant impact on their behaviour both on and off the court. Therefore, it's essential to model good sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for all parties involved in the game. This includes other teams, officials, NPH staff, and league rules.

➤ B.2. Responsibility to Players and Team

Coaches are responsible for the well-being and development of their players and team. This includes providing a positive and safe environment for all participants, promoting good sportsmanship, and fostering a love for the game of basketball. Coaches must also ensure that their players are properly equipped and trained, and that they follow all league rules and regulations.

➤ B.3. Respect for Other Teams

Teach your players to respect their opponents and their skills. This means emphasizing good sportsmanship and fair play, both on and off the court. Encourage your players to play hard but within the rules of the game, and remind them that basketball is a team sport. Winning is not everything, and congratulating opponents after a good play or game is essential to foster positive relationships.

➤ B.4. Respect for Officials

Officials are an integral part of the game, and as a coach, it's crucial to show them respect. This means refraining from arguing with or harassing officials, even if you disagree with their calls.

Remind your players that officials are human and may make mistakes, but their decisions are final. Encourage your players to respect officials and their calls, and avoid complaining or arguing with them.

➤ B.5. Respect for NPH Staff

NPH staff members are responsible for ensuring the smooth running of games. As a coach, it's essential to show respect for them and not give them a hard time for doing their job. This includes treating them with respect and appreciation, not arguing with them, and supporting them in their role. Remember that staff members are there to help and support you, so treat them with respect.

➤ B.6. Respect for League Rules

It's vital to respect the league rules, which are in place to ensure fairness and safety for all participants. As a coach, it's essential to follow them and encourage your players to do the same. This includes rules regarding player eligibility, game schedules, and any other

league-specific regulations. Address any questions or concerns about the league rules with the league officials in a respectful manner.


➤ C.1. Overview

As a spectator in our league, your behaviour can have a significant impact on the experience of everyone involved. To ensure that games are enjoyable and safe for all, it's important to show respect for players, coaches, officials, and facilities.

➤ C.2. Respect for Players

Players on the court are learning and developing their skills. As a spectator, it's crucial to show them respect by refraining from making negative comments or engaging in unsportsmanlike behaviour. Instead, cheer for your team and do so in a way that does not disrespect the opposing team or individual players. Remember that basketball is a game and should be treated as such.

➤ C.3. Respect for Coaches

Coaches play a critical role in guiding and shaping the development of young players. Therefore, it's essential to show them respect. Avoid criticizing coaches' decisions or yelling instructions from the sidelines. Allow coaches to do their job and trust their judgment.

Remember that coaches are there to help their players improve and succeed.

➤ C.4. Respect for Officials

Officials are an integral part of the game, and as a spectator, it's crucial to show them respect. Refrain from arguing with or harassing officials, even if you disagree with their calls.

Remember that officials are human and may make mistakes, but their decisions are final.

Encourage players to respect officials and their calls, and avoid complaining or arguing with them. Without officials, the game cannot go on, so show your appreciation for their hard work.

➤ C.5. Respect for NPH Staff

Staff members are an essential part of the league and are responsible for ensuring the smooth running of games. It's essential to show respect for them and not give them a hard time for doing their job. This includes not arguing with front desk staff for charging entrance tickets as instructed, respecting the decisions of table officials, and treating any other NPH staff member with respect. Remember that staff members are working hard to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants. Without their efforts, the league would not be possible.

Therefore, it's important to show appreciation for their hard work and support them in their role. If you have any issues or concerns with the league or staff members, address them respectfully with the appropriate authority. Disrespectful or abusive behaviour towards staff members will not be tolerated and may result in penalties, such as expulsion from the facility or the league. By showing respect for staff members, you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for all involved in the league. Remember that staff members are there to help and support you, so treat them with respect and appreciation.

➤ C.6. Respect for Facilities

Basketball facilities are essential for the smooth running of games. Therefore, it's important to show respect for them. This means avoiding littering, damaging property, or engaging in any behaviour that could compromise the safety or cleanliness of the facilities. Follow facility rules, such as staying within designated areas, and report any issues or concerns to the appropriate authority. Remember that facility staff work hard to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.


➤ B.1. Types of Violations

Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Any behaviour that is considered unsportsmanlike, such as verbal abuse, physical altercations, intentionally tripping or fouling another player, or any other behaviour that goes against the spirit of the game. For example, yelling at an official, taunting or trash-talking opposing players, or any behaviour that could be considered bullying.

Violation of League Rules and Regulations: This includes breaking any of the NPH League's rules and regulations, such as player eligibility, game schedules, or any other league-specific rules. For example, playing an ineligible player or refusing to comply with facility rules.

➤ B.2. Types of Disciplinary Action

Verbal warning: For minor violations, a verbal warning will be issued by league officials to remind participants of the NPH League's rules and regulations. For example, a coach who argues with an official or a player who makes a minor unsportsmanlike comment.

Suspension From Games: For more serious violations, a suspension from games may be necessary. The length of suspension will depend on the severity of the violation and will be decided by NPH League officials. For example, a player who intentionally fouls an opponent or a coach who verbally abuses an official may face suspension.

Expulsion From the League: For repeated or severe violations, expulsion from the NPH League may be necessary. This is a serious disciplinary action and will be considered in cases where the safety and well-being of participants are compromised. For example, a player who engages in physical altercations or a coach who consistently violates league rules and regulations may face expulsion.



Q: I noticed something on the court is being done that goes against the league rules. What should I do in this situation?

A: Please notify the nearest NPH staff member (people wearing red Gamespeaks shirts) at your earliest convenience and they will relay the concern to the correct person.

Q: I have a suggestion for NPH - where do I share my suggestion?

A: We love suggestions as they help us improve and thus provide you with a better service. Please send all suggestions to

Q: It looks like we might be late to our scheduled game. What do we do?

A: Notify the League Manager at your earliest convenience. Teams receive a 15 minute grace period for out-of-control situations (such as weather or highway standstill) before it is considered an automatic forfeit.

Q: I have an injured player - what do I do?

A: A club team staff member must call the ambulance—it is the team's responsibility to transport the player to the nearest healthcare centre.

Q: Where can we have our team briefs / debriefs?

A: Please feel free to use the cafeteria, or if the availability allows it, the gym benches.

Q: What do we do if there is a mistake with our league stats?

A: Notify your venue’s Site Manager who will investigate the issue and respond to you once the investigation is complete.


Q: Where can I see league statistics?

A: You can see statistics on the NPH website and on the SWISH app (available on both iOS and Android)


Q: Why do spectators have to pay at the door?

A: Gate Revenue covers essential expenses to help create a world class environment and maximize exposure for the players. Expenses include staff members (marketing, operations, scouting, facility, & referees). This contributes to the growth of Canadian basketball, providing career pathways through the development of our next generation of industry professionals.