East Coast Games to Showcase Maritime Talent
We’ve been onto Atlantic Canada talent for years now, especially through the hard work of NPH Analyst Deon Wilson.
With the NPH East Coast Showcase coming up May 8-10th at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, we want to share the news of another exciting event hitting the maritimes harder than an April snowstorm.
Here’s a note from East Coast Games Basketball Director, Ben Morrison:
“The 1st annual East Coast Games is taking place this summer and will host close to 1400 athletes in 7 different sports. Our Basketball Tournament will be held at UNB-SJ (Saint John, NB, Canada) between June 26-28, 2015. This tournament encourages active living in our youth while coming together as a basketball community. This year’s tournament has invited eight U13 and four U17 Provincial boy’s teams with players ranging from the ages of 13-18.
Our basketball committee had one goal and that was to make this a genuinely unique East Coast Event. We have U17 teams from PEI, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick competing and staying on campus. NB and Maine high school coaches also teamed up to form a unique Can-Am elite team including top senior players from both sides of the border. We have found a way to bring in the best high school players from the Maritimes and New England to ensure that this event keeps the focus on what makes our region so special both to local residents and to those visiting.“
For further information on the East Coast Games, please visit eastcoastgames.ca